Calm the F**k Down

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When life hands you a big fat f**king lemon, Calm the F**k Down gives you practical ways to manage the situation, not to mention your anxiety about the situation. One hundred per cent practical and zero percent Pollyanna-ish, this is a book that acknowledges all the bad shit that can and probably will happen to you - from break ups and breakdowns to floods, family feuds and France running out of butter - and shows you what you can realistically do about it so you can get on with your life, stop worrying and wallowing, and start bouncing back.Think of Calm the F**k Down as the friend who, instead of reassuring you that 'everything's going to be okay,' actually shows you how to make it so.
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SKU 1BO03020480501XXX
Barcode 9781787476202
ISBN 9781787476202
Product Types Self-Help & Relationships
Author Sarah Knight
Publisher Quercus Publishing
Year of Edition 2018
Pages Number 320

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